Capaian serta Partisipasi Orang Tua dan Masyarakat
The Qur’an is one of the important aspects in fulfilling the required competencies of Islamic Religious Education (PAI). However, little research on Qur’anic literacy has been done, or has never been published. This study was conducted to determine the level of Qur’anic literacy among junior high school students in East Java province. The study took into account 2,267 students, sampled using multistage random sampling. The study showed that in general, the ability to read, copy, and memorize the Qur’an among junior high school students in East Java is of good standards. This proved that the “santri” culture in the communities of East Java has an influence on the above abilities. However, competency in understanding and translating the Qur’an is still low. In fact, the ability to understand or translate the Qur’an is an important indicator of the success of the students’ Islamic religious education, especially with regards to the Islamic Religious Education curriculum in junior high school. In addition, the study also found that Qur’an education conducted by parents and organized by the community contribute to the students Qur’anic literacy.
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