Author Guidelines

Suhuf accepts scientific articles in the form of studies, research results, and book reviews that have never been published. Articles can be written in Indonesian, English or Arabic, accompanied by an abstract of about 150 words, and 3-5 keywords. Articles are written using Word with Times New Roman font, about 7000 words, including footnotes, bibliography and attachments. Suhuf only accepts articles submitted online. Editorial communication can be done via email:

The editor will review articles submitted to the editorial office, board of editors, and blind reviewers. Articles deemed not to meet the requirements for scientific writing will be rejected (see Guidelines for Scientific Writing for the Head of LIPI ). Writing transliteration follows the Joint Decree of the Minister of Religion and the Minister of Education and Culture Number: 158 of 1987 Number: 0543 b/u/1987 concerning Arabic-Latin Transliteration.

Terms of writing and presentation:

  1. Title. The title is a formulation of the discussion's subject matter, which is brief, concise, and clear. The title contains the main variables of the writing.
  2. Author's name. The author's name is written in full, without a title, accompanied by the name and address of the institution, and email address.
  3. Abstract and keywords. Abstract is the essence of the subject matter of the entire manuscript. Written in two languages, namely Indonesian and English. Abstract consists of 150-200 words. Keywords between 3-5 words/phrases.
  4. Introduction. The introductory section is a discussion that includes background, problem formulation, objectives and uses, theoretical framework, methods, and hypotheses (if any).
  5. Findings and discussion. This section is the core of the research results, including data descriptions and analysis of research results, as well as the author's interpretation of the discussion of research results. The discussion is carried out in depth and focused by using theoretical references. Graphs and tables should be limited if they can still be presented in short writing.
  6. How to present the table. Tables are displayed without using vertical lines. The title is displayed at the top of the table, left aligned (not centered). The words "Table" and table numbers are written in bold, while the table title is written normally. Use Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.) for table headings. The font size for the table's contents is 8-10, with a distance of 1 space. Inclusion of sources or table descriptions is placed below the table, left aligned, with font size 9.
  7. How to present pictures, graphs, photos, and diagrams. Pictures, graphs, photos and diagrams are written in the middle of the page (center). Captions for pictures, graphs, photos and diagrams are written under the illustrations. The words "Pictures", "Graphs", "Photos", and "Diagrams" and their numbers are written in bold, while the contents of the information are written normally. Use Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.) for numbering pictures, graphs, photographs and diagrams. Inclusion of sources or explanations is placed below the illustration, left aligned, with a font size of 9. Illustrations, graphics and diagrams are black and white, while photographs should be in full color.
  8. Closing. Closing is the last part of the entire manuscript which includes conclusions and suggestions (if any).
  9. Reference notes are written directly in the essay's body in brackets, mentioning the last name, year and page number. Example: (Zarkasi 2009: 46); (Syatri 2011a: 26). Additional explanations can be written as footnotes.
  10. Writing references at the end of the article refers to the following format:

a. Book. Author (last name, first name). Year. Book title (italic). Place of publication: Publisher, year. Example: Tjandrasasmita, Uka. 2010. Archeology of Archipelago Islam. Jakarta: Gramedia Popular Libraries.
b. Chapter in the book. Author (last name, first name). Year. "Article title" (in quotation marks). In the title of the main book (italic). Editor. Place of publication: Publisher, year.
c. Journal. Author (last name, first name). Year. Title of article/writing (put in quotation marks). Journal name (italic), Vol., No., p.
d. Newspapers/magazines. Author (last name, first name). Year. Title of article (put in quotation marks). Newspaper name (italic), date. For news articles, only write: name of newspaper/magazine, date, month, year.
e. Internet. Author (last name, first name). Year. Post title (put in quotation marks), website name, date accessed.
f. Thesis/thesis/dissertation. Author (last name, first name). Year. Title of thesis/thesis/dissertation (put in quotation marks), name of university, city.
g. Seminar paper/unpublished. Author (last name, first name). Year. Title of paper, paper presented at the seminar, organizer, place, date, year.