Menelusuri Jejak Pemelihara Al-Qur’an Studi Kasus Pondok Pesantren Tahfiz KH Harun Nafsi, Samarinda

  • Muhammad Syatibi al-Haqiri


Indonesia is a country which most its populations are Moslems. The tradition of learning the holy Qur’an by heart was begun since the development of Islam in this country. There are many methods to learn the holy Qur’an by heart. One of the methods is  through the pesantren (traditional Islamic boarding school) for learning the holy Qur’an by heart or  tahfÄ«z. Harun Nafsi`s pesantren educates the huffÄz (those who learn the Qur’an by heart). This pesantren also has a great role to increase Qur’anic education in East Kalimantan, especially to prepare the huffaz of the Qur’an for joining in the National Competition of Recitation of the Holy Qur’an (MTQ), to be imam of the mosque, and other purposes.  The tahfiz`s methods  are reading  (qirÄ’ah), depositing some Qur’anic verses the students have learnt by heart  (setoran),  learning by heart and repeating what have been learnt by heart  (takrÄ«r). The  qira’ah that KH Masruni used is known as qira’ah of Imam ’Asim through Imam Hafs, and his chains (sanad) from KH Muhammad Munawwir, Krapyak, Yogyakarta


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How to Cite
al-Haqiri, M. (2015). Menelusuri Jejak Pemelihara Al-Qur’an Studi Kasus Pondok Pesantren Tahfiz KH Harun Nafsi, Samarinda. SUHUF, 2(2), 227 - 247.