Tradisi Penerjemahan Al-Qur'an ke dalam Bahasa Jawa Suatu Pendekatan Filologis

  • Saifuddin Saifuddin


In this article , the author conducted  the searching which is related to the forms of the translation of the Qur'an in the Javanese language in the period before the 20th  century. This study uses the resources of the ancient  manuscripts  of  the Qur'an which  is supplemented by  the  translation in the Javanese language. The result  of  the  inventory  the  author  did  is  that  there  are  at  least  8 Manuscripts, both within  and  outside  the  country.  Some  aspects  that will  be  reviewed  from those eight manuscripts are the translation, the method used, the interconnection among the texts, as well as some issues that arise in the process of translation of the Qur'an into the Javanese language.
Keywords: Ancient Manuscripts, Translations, inter-row.



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How to Cite
Saifuddin, S. (2015). Tradisi Penerjemahan Al-Qur’an ke dalam Bahasa Jawa Suatu Pendekatan Filologis. SUHUF, 6(2), 225 - 248.