Karakteristik Tafsir al-Ibrīz Karya Bisri Mustofa
This study seeks to examine some characteristics in Tafsīr al-Ibrīz which is considered to have close relations with the pesantren (Islamic boarding school) tradition, and aims to shed light on the links between a commentary and the pesantren tradition. This study finds that the Tafsīr al-Ibrīz has some characteristics which are not found in other Qur’anic commentaries written in Indonesian or even in Arabic. This paper concludes that the use of Javanese written in Pegon script and the use of makna gandhul (hanging translations), as well as serving as a tool for analysing Arabic grammar, can also be seen as a means of maintaining the pesantren tradition. Other hallmarks of Tafsīr al-Ibrīz include the use of speech levels according to someone’s level of piety rather than their social standing; the rejection of the idea of anthropomorphism (tajsīm); and the view of the Qur’an as the answer to all the problems of everyday life. According to the author, these characteristics are part of Dhofier terms in his dissertation the ‘pesantren tradition’.
Tafsīr al-Ibrīz, Pegon script, hanging translation, anti-anthropomorphism, pesantren.
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